Looking to step up your Instagram game, or drive traffic to your page, below are a few tricks to spice things up.
Create a theme
Creating a theme give your pictures an organised and patterned outlook on your home page. General themes could be employed depending on what you are trying to sell on your platform.
Look at what’s in front of your camera
This involves determining the right angle, shape and position to place your camera or lenses before taking a shot. This enables you take quality pictures with best outcomes.
Photo editing apps
It is highly recommended to use editing apps that enhance your pictures, giving them more life and captivating series. Really good photo-editing apps include VSCO, beauty plus and Aviary.
Natural light
Ever heard the phrase “the sun is the real filter”. Always use natural light in your pictures, as best as you can. Some photographers claim that, there’s no amount of filter or photo-editing app that’s going to save a photo that has poor lighting.
Interesting content
Your page has to have captivating and interesting content that people can relate and engage with. It’s always advisable to post a picture with a purpose.
Follow similar accounts
Networking is key in any form of business or association. To get your platform to the top, you have to start engaging with other accounts that are similar in your line of work. For instance if you sell make up online, you could follow other local competitors, beauty and lifestyle influencers, make-up artists and celebrities.
Image source; twitter