This Mental Health Awareness week and always, it’s important to know that one’s mental wellness is required to change situations around.
On EM Women Who Inspire, we interview Oluseyi Oyedeji who found purpose in her pain after becoming a widow at an early age of 28.
She is the founder and CEO of Franomo Luxury Weddings and Events, a grief specialist and a John Maxwell team member. Oluseyi Oyedeji is also an author of Unashamed and has a degree in Psychology, Masters in Managerial Psychology and MSC Management and Information System from the Cranfield University.
She is a certified Project manager, transformation coach and an event Consultant
Oluseyi Oyedeji or Seyi, as fondly called, is a reputable and experienced professional who has perfected her craft to consistently deliver the ‘wow’ factor for several events with her team; delighting both her clients and their guests.
In 2017, she founded ‘Restored by Grace’ a community outreach birthed from her personal experience. It has three arms which were officially registered in 2019. When She isn’t planning an event, she loves to spend time with her amazing and supportive husband and son. At her leisure, she loves to treat herself to a spa experience and end the day in a Jacuzzi with a good read.
EM’s Hannah Adedeji had a quick Q and A session with this inspiring woman who used her pain to propel herself into her purpose.
Here are excerpts from the interview
EM: Your profile is extremely impressive, please tell us how and why you
started a wedding and events company with a background in Psychology.
Seyi: I had also wanted to study Pharmacy but I finally studied Psychology which was one of the best decisions I have ever made because of my love for people and it made me understand myself. Event planning has always been something that I love. I can remember vividly planning my 10th year birthday, telling my aunties how the chairs and table should be arranged and who should sit where. Also, I remember planning my friend’s weddings. Organising events has always been a passion as it gives me fulfillment.
EM: How has it been running the three arms of restored by grace:
Seyi: To be honest it has really been a lot of work but God has been our major pillar. We have a team and volunteers that work with us when we have our events and I am sincerely grateful to everyone that has volunteered and supported us since 2017 when we started.
EM: Why did you decide to add single parents to Restored by grace?
Seyi: Restored by Grace was founded based on my journey as a widow and as a Single Parent. I have tasted both world and would love to support single parents because the responsibility of parenthood should not be left alone to one person. Kudos to all single Parents
EM: How were you able to find the strength and courage to turn your pain
into purpose?
Seyi: I was able to find purpose based on so many reasons. I got to a stage that I knew I wanted more in life. During my season of pain, I had lost myself , I knew there was so much in me to give and I was not going to allow a detour in my life’ journey destroy me, so I started seeking God and investing in myself. I knew that each time we encounter a painful incident in life, it’s an opportunity to rediscover yourself, so I kept digging for the real me. But it was a process of discovery and I was determined to use my pain to help others no matter the cost.
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EM: Pain is most times familiar to people hurting and they might be
tempted to keep hurting because it’s what they know and used to. What
advise would you give to people who are in this phase?
Seyi: Firstly, to everyone out there hurting, I would like to tell them that they are not alone and that it always gets better. Pain is individualistic and everyone, one time or the other goes through one pain or the other. It can be a blessing in disguise if we look a bit deeper.

EM: Please share some of your strategies to help people harness and identify
the purpose in their pain.
Seyi: The first one is that your pain or bad experiences does not define you.
You will have to identify your pain and understand the meaning of the pain you are going through.
You will need to take responsibility for your life, make a choice that you will make the most out of it and decide to use it as an opportunity to grow. A mind-set shift is important to harness the purpose in pain, replace negative mind set with positive mind set. Finally, get mentors that can help you achieve more in life by accountability.
EM: Tell us about your show on Facebook.
Seyi : My show on Facebook is called ‘Finding Purpose in Pain with Seyi’ and the aim is to let people know that there is blessings in pain and to encourage as many people out there, that there is always a rainbow after a storm. A lot of times, people are quiet about what they go through and because of this people could tend to feel alone and go into depression based on what they go through.
On finding purpose in pain, I interview guest that have turned their pain into purpose and it has been phenomenal ever since we started with over 2k views
EM: Please tell us more about your book
Seyi : My book is called ‘unashamed and it’s the story of my life as a young widow at 28 years old and a single mother. I would encourage everyone to get my book as 10% of its proceed goes to taken care of the widows and single parents.
EM: Where would you say you are now, mentally and emotionally?
Seyi: I must say that I am in a very good place mentally and emotionally and that is why I am able to give back and help people harness purpose in their pain.
EM: How important is well being to you?
Seyi : This is really important to me and I guard my wellbeing jealously
EM: What do you do to protect your well being?
Seyi: One of my top one is coming away by myself on Spa weekends, It is magical for me and it enables me to find time for myself. I am a gratitude junkie, so anytime I catch my mind wondering, I use gratitude to combat it. I try to build positive relationships around me and that help and promote my well-being. Finally, I invest time with my husband and my son.
Oluseyi Oyedeji can be reached on FB and IG on Seyi Oshewa-Oyedeji and Franomo Event: FB and IG: FranomoEvents
Restored by Grace: Is a charity with three arm, the RBG concert, the Inspiring young widows, widowers and single Parents
Website :
Social Media: fb and IG restored by grace
Fb and Ig: Inspiring young widows
Franomo events
Social Media : Fb and IG-Franomo events