It’s 2022 and sexy is in!! So, we are wearing clothes that reveal our curves in all their glory. This raises the question, what is the quickest way to go sexy this year??
The answer is a HOTTTTT MINI DRESS!!
Mini dresses have been in fashion since the 60s for a good reason. The mini dress shows off all your assets so well. Also, people won’t forget you in a hurry when you strut around in a mini dress.
READ 15 Stylish Short Dress Styles You Should Know About
The golden rule for Slaying mini dresses is that when your legs are showing then, your upper half should be covered.
Moreover, mini dresses should be the highlight of your outfit. None of your other accessories including makeup should compete for attention with your dress. To do otherwise, could make you look crass. Keep the rest of your outfit simple. So, Sis take care when styling your mini dress.
My sister set your curves loose on the world in that mini dress. The world deserves to see the handiwork of our good Lord. Write button and compose something new.