Every year comes with a new fashion trend, makeup has evolved over the years the 70s, 80s, 90s, and till date. Sadly not all trends were meant to last.

So here is a list of outdated makeup trends we would definitely be leaving behind:

Outdated makeup trends

Defined eyebrow shaping

Every makeup artist use to be obsessed with carefully carving or shaping your eyebrow with an eyebrow pencil, sketching out every line in a perfect way but not anymore.

Maybelline New York explains that natural-looking eyebrows are way trendier right now and will continue to be in the new year.


White eyeliner

One thing about white eyeliner is the effect it gives the eyes, making them look bigger and more catchy. But we are very sure it would be out of style by 2023. 

Heavy concealer

A lot of people may be convinced that thick concealer is a must when perfecting an ideal face makeup, but heavy-duty concealer is one of the outdated makeup trends that should be forgotten about in 2023. 

Nude lipstick

Nude lips were popular for a while, but that time has come and gone. Wearing shades of lipstick and lip stains that offer a little more color is the way to go in 2023. Besides, there is no need to force outdated makeup trends to be part of your routine if it doesn’t personally suit you.


Unnatural lashes

It seemed like incredibly long faux lashes were going to be in style forever. It turns out that’s simply not the case. Faux lashes are going out of style in 2023, which means there are other options to explore. Subtle and short lashes that are natural-looking would also capture the attention of tons of people in 2023.


Overly outlined lips

The purpose of over-lining your lips is to create the illusion that your lips are much bigger than they are. A lot of people were inspired to start doing this after watching Kylie Jenner, but not anymore, like I said it’s a trend, people get bored and return to their regular look. 


Excessive bronzer

In 2023, it might be time to give bronzer a break. This doesn’t mean you have to throw away your bronzer forever, but it’s definitely time to explore other options when it comes to facial coverage for your skin. 


 Skinny eyebrows

Rocking skinny eyebrows hasn’t been popular in quite some time, so we are sure it would be fading out soon.  They were only considered fabulous in the ’90s and early 2000s.


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