A young man walks into a restaurant in hopes of a new career only to have his interview last 30 seconds. What chance did he have to share his intelligence? The answer: his interview attire.
In cargo shorts, an earring in one ear, slides, and striped athletic socks, and a T-shirt, this young man was ill-prepared to succeed. He held his composure, but the disappointment was undeniable: he had no idea why he was declined. In the age of social media and emphasis on entertainment personality, knowing the difference between exception, illusion, and reality is major. When celebs leave the stage, there are business meetings to attend- and they know how to dress the part. Now is your turn!
For all things, the attire matches. Like a man swimming in a business suit, people will question what they are seeing. When the attire clashes, perception follows. Not knowing how to dress or customize makeup for separate occasions communicates a lack of social upbringing or intelligence (potential dates focus on this key factor to figure out who you will ultimately be to them). “Cool” attire usually denotes it as casual (read: not for work). Ladies, there are so many chic scarves and turbans available for unruly hair days or to add a splash of style. Leave bonnets for sleeping and rock scarves as applicable.
Working in business or legal sectors requires following a stricter dress code. Sleek lines and darker colors reflect the no-nonsense attitude people hope one has if handling their legal matters and money. Customize your business wardrobe to better suit your personality, but within the constraints of business. Despite the wearer’s decisions, the overall look says, “You can take me seriously.” If you must appear in court, dress the part of the powerful.
For those in the fine arts sector, dramatic license is encouraged because it helps showcase creativity. Colour and freedom reign. However, revealing a lot of skin can communicate a wild or unstable personality and lack of power. If that is not how you want society to see you, dress differently. If you wear it because it is trendy but secretly do not like it, people can usually tell. You will look comfortable if you feel comfortable. If you do not care, that attire says the same and the results will follow your expectations.
Can a wild or unstable person wear a lot of clothing? Sure. But can a wholesome person wear skimpy clothing and still be considered wholesome? Doubt it. How you dress helps others determine how to treat you, if you are capable to succeed, or do an outstanding job if hired. The question is: what in life are you applying for?
StyleItKell, beauty and fashion contributor