Jack Sweeney, a 19-year-old from Florida, rejected a $5,000 offer from Elon Musk to delete his Twitter account that tracks the billionaire’s private jet.

The Twitter account, ElonJet, has over 150,000 followers, and uses a bot that Sweeney developed to monitor Musk’s flights. The feed then tweets out when and where the plane takes off or lands and the duration of each trip.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO offered the teenager $5,000 help prevent “crazy people” from tracking his flights, calling it a security risk. Sweeney countered asking for $50,000, saying he could use the money for college and maybe a Tesla Model 3.

In later conversations, Sweeney said he would delete the account for no money if Musk gave him an internship but Musk hasn’t opened the message yet.

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