Tiktok is going bananas for this not so secret weight loss pill with so many people documenting their drastic weight loss transformations.
This secret weight loss pills are drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, such as Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy.
But hold on! Before you start racing to the drug store to get your weight loss jiurney started, you should know that a lot of side effects from this drug has already been recorded.
Some users have reported experiencing unwanted side effect such as facial aging and vomiting.
These drugs have become popular due to rumors that celebrities and influencers, like Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk, used them to slim down.
However, many doctors are concerned that the trends has led to more people using these medications without proper medical supervision, which cos dangerous as there is a risk of rare but serious side effects such as thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and kidney failure.
In addition to these serious side effects, there are also more common side effects such as nausea and vomiting which some women have documented on TikTok. These side effects have been called ‘Ozempic face’ and are usually the result of facial areas deflating with weight loss, making the person look old.
Jennifer Berger, 41, used Mounjaro to lose weight following her pregnancy and was able to lose 20 pounds. However, she stated that her face looked exhausted and old. Dr. Oren Tepper, a New York-based plastic surgeon, stated that fat is typically more friend than foe when it comes to facial aging.
Mounjaro, which regulates blood sugar, suppresses appetite and, apparently helps shed the extra pounds, is the latest trend on the market. Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, a dermatologist in New York said “We haven’t seen a prescription drug with this much cocktail and dinner chatter since Viagra came to the market.”