Today I want to talk about frustration with marketing effectiveness. I know as business owners, you are tired of feeling frustrated with marketing and not getting the sales you want? You’re not alone.” as a multifaceted entrepreneur with over 21 years of experience, we still get this feeling too.

We’ve all been there – pouring our hearts and souls into our businesses, creating amazing products or services, but somehow, the sales just aren’t coming in as quickly as we hoped.”
Here’s the thing: marketing isn’t just about promoting your product; it’s about providing value to your audience. Focus on solving their problems, and the sales will follow.
Consistency is key. Don’t give up after one or two attempts. Keep showing up, keep creating, and keep engaging with your audience.
Take the time to understand your audience – their pain points, their desires, and their motivations. Tailor your marketing efforts to speak directly to them. celebrate small wins along the way. Every engagement, every lead, and every sale is a step closer to your goals.
So I say to you today, to remember that marketing is a journey, not a destination. So stay focused, stay consistent, and most importantly, stay patient. You got this!
I am Dr Tewa Onasanya and I am living the words I speak.
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