The irony of life! I still recall the day I felt like I was on top of the world, having overcome numerous challenges to build a thriving business, mentoring business owners and growing my coaching practice. But then, a new wave of obstacles hit me, and I found myself doubting my abilities. I had let the challenges make me forget my inner power and strength.

I had forgotten the resilience that helped me navigate tough times in the past. I had forgotten the courage that drove me to take bold steps towards my dreams. I had forgotten the wisdom that guided me to make tough decisions. I had forgotten the daily practice and habits that built me as this version of me.
But one day, I realised that I had a choice to make. I could continue to let challenges define me, or I could reclaim my inner power and strength. I reminded myself of my words to my clients, which are “by all means, cry when you fall, acknowledge where you are and when you are done, rise like a phoenix. Fall 9x get up 10x”.
So today, I want to share a few tips that helped me do just that:
– Reconnect with your why: Remember the purpose that drives you. What gets you excited about your endeavours? When you remember your “why”, you are encouraged to try again
– Reflect on past wins: Celebrate your past successes, no matter how small they may seem. This helps to rebuild confidence.
– Reframe challenges as opportunities: View obstacles as an opportunity to learn and grow.
– Rediscover self-care: Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
– Reclaim your voice: Speak kindly to yourself and assert your needs. This is my big one, my biggest tip. I am not called an “Affirmations Expert” for no reason. Every moment I remember, I am constantly speaking affirmations into my life. Our words carry power and our words create our live experiences, so make it an intentional point to always speak nicely to yourself and about what you desire. It is also important to note that affirmations work when you believe the words you say to yourself. I have an online course on how Affirmations work. Get it at or send an email to to get it.
By implementing these strategies, I was able to tap back into my inner power and strength. I began to approach challenges with a newfound sense of courage and confidence. And you can do the same!
Remember, your inner power is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. Go ahead, tap into it, and unleash your full potential!
I am Dr. Tewa Onasanya and I am living the words I speak.
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