You hear about the health benefits of nuts a lot of times. Let’s focus on groundnuts today.
Can I eat groundnuts? My friend who’s a breast feeding mother couldn’t resist the alluring smell of the fresh nuts her mum brought home. Is it really safe for a breastfeeding mother to eat nuts?
Almond nuts are simply the best for you, when breast feeding. Raw Almonds are a rich source of healthy proteins and calcium, which could effectively enhance the growth process of your baby. Baby is going to grow all healthy and looking fine, that everyone would love to carry him/her wherever you go.
Almonds are rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, B3, and B1 and minerals like Magnesium, Copper, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, and Zinc
With Almonds, you look good, without the stress of nursing a baby telling on you..
Photo: pinterest