One of the most significant elements of interior design is flooring. The flooring option you choose in every room will significantly alter its look and feel, so all the more reason to choose carefully. If the flooring isn’t quite right, the overall design may not live up to its potentials. The foundation of your design depends on how well you execute the flooring. Flooring is expected to withstand constant use while enduring its transcendent quality.

When choosing floors for spaciousness, consider the following: 

  • choose light airy colors for your floors, something like off-white hues the likes of ivory and cream to give the room an uplifting vibe.
  • gloss finishes: choose a flooring option that boasts a mild glossy finish, which will reflect light and make the room feel that much more capacious, open, and vibrant.

Types Of Flooring In Interior Design

  1. Hardwood Flooring: Hardwood flooring is both beautiful and durable. It adapt to all styles and exist in many shades. The natural beauty and warmth of wood is incorporated in this flooring, with colors and textures depending on the type of flooring used. Hardwood flooring can be sensitive to moisture though, too much will cause warping or discoloration. A great feature about hardwood is it can be refinished over and over to increase its lifespan.hardwood flooring In Interior design
  2. Ceramic Tile Flooring: Ceramic tiles are made from a mixture of clay and shale that are baked and hardened in a kiln. Ceramic tiles come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and textures and you can mix and match these to create a floor with custom patterns. Ceramic tiles come in four different types which are glazed, porcelain, terracotta, and  quarry tile. When they are used as flooring in interior design, they bring a natural classy and rich aesthetic to your home.
  3. flooring in interior design
  • Glazed tile has a coating similar to glass, with a virtually unlimited amount of colors and types to choose from.
  • Porcelain tiles is often used in exterior application due to its durability. It can be purchased glazed or unglazed. 
  • Terracotta tile is an unglazed tile with a rustic charm. However, being unglazed terracotta needs to be sealed to prevent staining.
  • Quarry tile is an unglazed ceramic usually with a reddish-brown color that has better slip resistance than glazed tiles.

3. Bamboo Flooring: Bamboo flooring is made up of strands of bamboo glued together to form solid strips or planks. Bamboo may look like hardwood but it is actually grass. Bamboo flooring is exotically beautiful, tough and durable and good flooring in interior design for your home. It’s considered a sustainable material as bamboo plants grow and regenerate quickly. 

bamboo flooring in interior design

4. Marble Flooring: The smooth gloss and subtly colorful veining of natural stone marble flooring gives a room an elegant and high-end feel. It resists water and moisture but can feel cold and be slippery when wet. 

marble flooring in interior design

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