Today I want to talk about Conquering the Fear of Burnout. As entrepreneurs, we’re no strangers to hard work and dedication. However, the relentless pursuit of success can often lead to a silent killer: burnout. It’s a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that can creep up on you and your team members, hindering productivity and overall well-being.
Burnout can manifest in different ways, including chronic fatigue and exhaustion, detachment from work, reduced performance and productivity, increased irritability and mood swings, physical symptoms like headaches and stomach problems. I had chronic migraines for years till I decided it was enough.
To overcome the fear of burnout, here are the mindset shift I have adopted intentionally.
1. I prioritise self-care, by making time for activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul, such as exercise, meditation, attending wellness events and spending time with loved ones.
2. I have learned to say “no” to non-essential tasks and I delegate responsibilities to avoid overcommitting.
3. I encourage my team members to share their concerns and feelings, creating a safe space for vulnerability.
4. Still work in progress, but I intentionally establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, to promote flexibility and autonomy. Very important.
5. I acknowledge and celebrate my achievements and teamwork, no matter how small, to boost morale and motivation.
As leaders, it’s essential to model healthy habits and behaviors for our team members. By prioritizing our own well-being and demonstrating self-care practices, we create a culture that values and supports mental health.
Also, ensure your staff are taking breaks. Offer access to wellness programs, like the Wellness and Style Week by EM Live Experience on the 21st of Sept at the Oriental Hotel, give mental health support, and employee assistance services.
Promote positivity, recognition, and teamwork to create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.
So I say to you today, by acknowledging the fear of burnout and taking proactive steps to prevent it, you can create a resilient and thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem that values well-being and success equally.
Remember, taking care of ourselves and our teams is not a luxury, but a necessity for long-term achievement.
I am Dr Tewa Onasanya and I am living the words I speak.
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