We ladies know that dressing up during our periods can be quite the hassle, but we’ve got comfortable outfit choices to make that uncomfortable part of the month count.

So, if you’re on your period, you’ll be interested in these fashionable but comfortable outfit choices.


Want To Look Good Even When On Your Period? Then Don't Miss These Comfortable Outfit Choices 1

They are stretchy and allow room if you’re bloating. Black is the best colour if you’re scared of getting stained. Super comfortable, just pair with a long shirt or tee shirt if you’re staying at home or just want to opt for something casual. If you’re going to work, you could opt for a short flair dress with a blazer to go with it.

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Dark Coloured Slip Dresses

Want To Look Good Even When On Your Period? Then Don't Miss These Comfortable Outfit Choices 2

Just to make sure you’re not stained, you might want to opt for heavier fabrics. They are loose and comfortable, yet flattering. With a smile on your face, nobody will even get the hint. They also allow you to wear an extra protective layer of, maybe shorts, just to make sure nothing slips.

A Jumpsuit

Want To Look Good Even When On Your Period? Then Don't Miss These Comfortable Outfit Choices 3

This would give you the needed support, just make sure you don’t go for lighter colours.

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Want To Look Good Even When On Your Period? Then Don't Miss These Comfortable Outfit Choices 4

They usually come with elastic bands, so they are good for the bloating you might be experiencing. Just pair them up with body-hugging tops and you’re good to go.


Want To Look Good Even When On Your Period? Then Don't Miss These Comfortable Outfit Choices 5

Just make sure they’re thick enough to withstand any leaks and cute enough for your needed confidence. You can pair them with a t-shirt and a blazer or an oversized shirt or even a cute cardigan.

Above all else, just make sure you’re comfortable and have got the proper protection because we all know how embarrassing it could be to be caught with a stain outside.

So, let us know, which of these comfortable outfit choices is more of your style or go-to in the comment section. We’ll love to hear from you.

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