You have received a noogie by way of greeting.
Playful physical contact is usually a helpful indicator that a gentleman is in to you. But a noogie? Oof. You might as well be his little brother.
You’ve only hung out in a group setting.
You guys are friends (you might even be in some of the same classes) but you’ve never been alone in a room together and there’s probably a reason for that. If he wants to hang out with you, he’ll do all he can to do just that.
He’s a bit of an…oversharer.
We’re all for opening up, but when a guy is talking to you about his daily…ahem…movements, chances are he doesn’t see you as a viable sexual candidate and he probably doesn’t want you to see him that way, either.
You’re the ‘initiator’.
It’s 2015 already. If you want to hang out with a guy you are going to go Khaleesi on this situation and call the shots and that is a total baller move on your part. But here’s the thing, he hasnever taken the time (or the initiative) to see you. Excuse us but it is time to get over him–fast. You rock! Use all that gumption and find a guy who knows how awesome you are AND wants to be with you. Trust us, there are plenty of great guys out there.
source: collegecandy