Developing a marketing plan is the first step out of the several marketing steps. After setting the plan in motion, the next and most important step is evaluating your marketing plan to get desired results.

It is impossible to get the accurate marketing statistics of your business without a thorough evaluation of your marketing strategies. It helps your company get rid of ineffective strategies and develop a new plan based on the results of the evaluation. Here is a list of ways to continuously evaluate your marketing strategies.

  1. Investment Return

Putting together solid marketing strategies involves some form of investment either money or man-hours. After a company makes this investment, they expect to see returns on their investment. This is the basis of entrepreneurship; whatever they invest, they expect more either in form of sales, new customers, increased reach and positive brand recognition. An effective marketing evaluation helps companies determine if they have received returns on their investment.


  1. Increase In Sales

The common factor of evaluating a marketing plan is reviewing sales numbers. When your marketing plan is effective and appeals to your target audience, you are expected to record increased sales. The best way to monitor this factor is by comparing sales made after a marketing campaign and sales made before a marketing plan.  However, it is important to note that some marketing plans are implemented with long term intentions and therefore cannot be measured with a simple sales comparison method.


  1. Market Reaction

Your marketing partners, customers and competitors are the markets in this regard. When you launch a marketing plan, the actions of your competitors gives an insight into whether the plan is effective or not. Also, your marketing partners will offer you feedback on the success of your marketing plan. They know more about your target audience and they are closer to them, therefore they will be able to reveal the effect your marketing efforts has on your competitors and customers.


  1. Increased Business Reach and Expansion

Your marketing plan should not only be targeted to consumers in your locality, rather it should be made to cover a wider audience. Therefore when your marketing efforts expand into new regions, then we can say the marketing plan is successful. Asides from the digital media, referrals from existing customers can help boost your marketing campaigns.



Evaluation is a key aspect of marketing, it helps your company leverage the success of previous campaigns to build future successful campaigns. To make the evaluation process easier and cheaper, it is advisable to build evaluation mechanisms right from the marketing plan stage.



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