What treasure lies in that which none would seek?
What holds value when value it lacks?
What wonders exist in the unseen and the untold?
What beauty thrives in what lacks perfection?
What essence lingers in what time has passed by?
What is sacred in what others neglect?
The enchantment of beautiful, seemingly purposeless objects challenges conventional notions of worth. These items—be they charming trinkets, heirloom treasures, or quirky decor—serve as powerful expressions of self.
From some might neglected, these objects transcend material worth,becoming vessels for meaning, memories, and personal expression.
This season, we invite you to take a second glance. Inspired by Bric-à-Brac and Objet d’Art, ANDREJ GRONAU FW25 collection delves into the intimate world of collected treasures—those objects we gather and cherish in our domestic spaces. Wrinkled metallics transform into ornamented jackets, delicate knits mimic paper ribbons, and intricate patterns echo the nostalgic charm of vintage decor. What once seemed childlike and curious now emerges as an evening wardrobe lled with playful sophistication.
In the realm of our FW25 collection, this wardrobe invites introspection while textures and colors—faded and bright, shiny and matte, hairy and smooth—interact, painting a vivid portrait of the wonder we once held in childhood—seeing objects simply for their being and beauty.